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Turnertoys Home Page: "Good Things for
Two Hikes in July: combined report.
July was a bit dry for gardens, but offered perfect weather for our two adventurous outings.
July 21: Mount Washington summit via Huntington Ravine Trail
Click on links in the text for photos!
On Saturday, July 21, Ed Loewenton, Nick Newton, Paul Deluca, and Cynthia
Takos arrived at the Pinkham Notch Visitor Center at the foot of Mount
Washington at 8:30 AM, and started up the Tuckerman Ravine trail, with
surprisingly little company on such a perfect morning. Turning off onto the
Huntington trail, we emerged from the treeline and climbed over the boulder
gateway to the steep open boulder field on the lower half of the headwall.
Halfway up, at the base of the "fan", where the real climbing begins,
we stopped to catch our breath. The day was hot, and we could scarcely drink
water fast enough. Nick and Paul ascended like mountain goats; Nick especially
enjoyed showing off the traction of his sticky new Five-Tens. Cynthia was doing
rocks for the first time, and as we reached areas that were nearly vertical and
seriously exposed, she conquered her natural anxieties and met each new
challenge without difficulty. The utterly unobstructed view was grander and more
vast every time we stopped to look. We reached the
top of the Huntington Trail about 2:30, and paused for lunch at the junction with the
Alpine Garden trail, walked to the Lion's Head
trail, and then straight up to
the summit. That seemed like the hardest part of the day; or maybe we were
getting tired. At the top, we refilled water bottles and watched the
coal-burners crawl up and down the cog railway. We descended via the Tuckerman
Ravine trail, a relatively easy stroll. At the bottom of the ravine, we marveled
at the extensive six-foot-thick snow pack remaining from the winter. We got back
to the visitor center much too late for our dinner reservation, but satisfied
and happy for a perfect day and a mission accomplished.
Here is a link to a site with photos and trip reports from other people's
previous Huntington Ravine trips. We'll have the photos from our trip in a few
Old trip reports/photos from other groups:
July 28: Mount Mansfield Summit Circuit
This is the fifth year for this trip, with the best attendance yet: Ed
Loewenton, Paul Deluca, and Clare Buckley were repeat customers, and Nick Newton
and Cathy Ruley were meeting the challenge for the first time. We had a
mercifully cool day, compared to the previous week, for this hike which is
frequently above tree line. The route led us up the Hellbrook Trail to the
Summit via the Chin; then down and back up the Cliff Trail on the Stowe side to
the Visitor Center, where we stopped for lunch. Crossing the ridge to the
Underhill side, we scrambled over boulders along the Canyon trail back to the
Chin, and then back down Hellbrook to food, rest, and loose shoes or none at
all. We maintained a "civilized" pace throughout, and were on the
mountain for about ten hours.
Turnertoys Home Page: "Good Things for