Competition rubber-powered helicopter balsa model kits for Science Olympiad Endurance Flying Competitions. 

Endurance Flying Helicopter Models for Science Olympiad:
Parlor Copter Helicopter Kit

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Balsa Model Kits for Science Olympiad Helicopter Endurance Flying Events

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     The IMS Parlor Copter kit is a generic classic model designed according to well-tested indoor indoor helicopter concepts. Size and weight are less than that allowed by 2011 Science Olympiad rules. 
     It comes out about .50g to .75g light (without rubber), and the included motor is approximately .6g less than the maximum allowed rubber. Use our #378 .125" rubber - a loop that fits the supplied motor stick is exactly 2g with an O-ring.  
     The kit is designed with 12" rotors; rules allow up to 40 cm (15.75"). We suggest longer rotor spars,  perhaps an extra rib, to achieve maximum length. You will have to modify the provided assembly jig to accomodate the larger rotor. We provide photos and some guidance in doing this on the modifications page. You might also cut your own cambered ribs in place of the plain straight 1/16" sticks used in the rotors. Remember, the rotors act like wings for this aircraft - they provide the lift.  Use our #378 (.125") rubber - a loop that fits the supplied motor stick is exactly 2g. You can also use a double loop of 1/16" (#376) rubber. See our modifications page (address supplied with your purchase) for details. Use SilSlick to keep the strands from sticking to each other.

helicopter balsa model for 2011 science olympiad endurance flight wright stuff
IMS Parlor Copter. Extension from rotor axis at top of copter prevents rotor contact with ceiling or other obstructions. 
IMS Parlor Copter - Basic Kit
Model Design Features:
Single motor stick with 2 stick-&-tissue 2-blade 12" (30.4 cm) rotors, one stationary (fixed to the motor stick), one revolving, powered by rubber motor (approx. 094", equal to out #377). 2011 SO rules allow up to 3 rotors, up to 40cm diameter. Free-rotating vane on tail adds stability. 
Kit contains enough balsa and hardware to build one Copter: Everything needed except glue, assembly pins (required!), and cutting tool. There is plenty of extra 1/16" balsa, and one length of rubber motor.

* Includes an extra 6" of .020" music wire at no charge. 
The music wire included in the kit (for motor hook, prop shaft) seems a little skimpy, and may even be insufficient, so we have included extra wire.

* The directions could be a little more thorough, so we have prepared a  Supplementary Directions Page with clarifications, photos and tips for building this kit. You will get the page address with your purchase of a kit.
We have only 1 Parlor Copter Kit left in stock, and no immediate plans to re-stock.

Buy models and supplies for endurance competition flying at 

YOU NEED (none of this is optional):  

*Ambroid cement
(not wood glue, CA, or epoxy). Ambroid is easily softened with acetone for all the disassembly and repositioning you are going to do. It can also be thinned for application of tissue and better control of glue density.
*Assembly pins
(our Grip Pins, although you need only about 10 - ordinary pins might be OK, just harder to work with 
*A fresh razor knife or single-edge razor blade (the latter is sharper); 
*2 thrust washers  
Our teflon washers are perfect for this. You get 2 washers free with Harlan Prop Hanger, or buy our 6-pack.
         All items 
* Winder: at least an inexpensive 5:1. A 10:1 is preferred. Do not use our electric winder
* O-rings to make attaching and unhooking the motor easier. O-rings are  NOT optional. Use one at rear, hook winder into ring, slide ring directly from winder to hook - do not try to hold it with hand. You can buy these from the hardware store but our are harder rubber and do not deform as much under load.
* .125" Rubber. Kit-supplied motor is lighter than maximum legal weight.  Our #378 (.125") hits 2g exactly, including o-ring. You can also use a double loop of 1/16" rubber (our #376). #377 is probably useless for this purpose, unless you are changing motor stick length. 
* Sil-Slick Lube for better motor performance and longer life. The rubber strands will start sticking to each other without it.
* .01g Scale to weigh model and motor. You must keep track of weight as you build. If you have a .01 g resolution lab balance handy, that, of course, is even better. 
* Balsa - 1/16" for rotor spars. Kit supplied spars are shorter than maximum legal span of 40 cm (approx 15.75"). Use Low Density Balsa.
       All items available on our Supplies Page

 Available at hardware store, various places:
*Fine-point permanent marker
*Round-nose pliers
in good condition to bend wire
*Fine-point permanent Marker
for a solvent (at hardware store).  USE PROPER VENTILATION! 
*Small shallow solvent-proof cup or dish to hold small portions of acetone, and to make glue/acetone mixture (glass, metal, ceramic, or polyethylene). Never pour partly used solvent back into original can; take it outside and dump it on the ground.  It will evaporate safely. 
*Work Board
- a flat corrugated cardboard box (new, never unfolded, 2-thicknesses) or a used ceiling tile make good, inexpensive work boards.
* A helper to assist in stretch-winding the motor.  No partner? A pair of small Jorgensen clamps make a good, quick-to-set-up stooge or winding jig. See instructions for winding on accessories page under Rubber Motors

As always, please read this entire page before ordering.
(Please READ ORDER INSTRUCTIONS below BEFORE selecting products)

     The aluminum part provided for the prop hanger may be difficult for beginning modelers to bend accurately for good performance.  If you mess it up, you are out of luck. Rotor shaft must be on-axis and parallel with motor stick to make copter fly straight up.
     We sell Harlan Prop Hangers. These precise aluminum parts are hand-made by Ray Harlan, creator of the Cruiser, which won so many Wright Stuff events over the years. They can easily be adjusted to bring the prop shaft into accurate parallel with the motor stick. 
     Make the job easier, improve performance by buying a Parlor Copter with Harlan Aluminum Prop Hanger. Includes 2 teflon bearings.  

Purchase additional Teflon bearings & Harlan Prop Hangers, and all your other tools and supplies on our 
Buy models and supplies for endurance competition flying at 

Please read this entire page before ordering.

Replacement Motors & Props
     Important: You MUST attach an O-ring to the tail end of the motor to facilitate removing and replacing the motor from the motor hook for winding. Hold the motor at 30 degrees from the fuselage while winding, and have your partner hold a cardboard sheet between the motor and fuselage to protect the airplane from damage if you lose control of the motor while winding. Wind about 1/3 to half the winds while stretching the motor to 2x to 3x its length, then walk in slowly while winding the remainder. 


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